Itinerary in the footsteps of Ercole Ramazzani
Restless painter Arceviese and eclectic plastic artist, interpreter of the canons against reformed and student of Lorenzo Lotto, Ercole Ramazzani involves us with his multicolored works. Artist, discontinuous but capable of brilliant flashes is an interpreter of popular religiosity. Most of his works are preserved in Arcevia, in the many churches of its territory and its nine castles, but also in many places of the centers of Val Mivola.
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Check the opening times and points of the museums included in the itinerary.
The journey to discover Ercole Ramazzani can only start from Arcevia where there are twenty-four works by this painter of which nine are preserved in the parish church of San Medardo including the Baptism of Christ in 1592 and the Great Universal Judgment, spiritual testament inspired by Michelangelo and last work (1597) of the Master. Also in San Medardo, in a space created under the painting of Piergentile da Matelica and Venanzo da Camerino and of unknown author there is a Madonna with Saint Joseph and the Child, ox and donkey, in painted terracotta. The discovery of some documents that attest to the activity of plasticizer of the artist from Arcevia did attribute this crib to our artist.
In the church of San Sebastiano of “https:///”Piticchiosi preserves a carved and gilded wooden dossal on which are set three canvases and two tablets, masterpieces of the maturity of Ramazzani. In the church of Sant’Agata in “https:///” Castiglioni is exposed on the original altar the canvas depicting the Madonna of the Rosary with the round of the fifteen mysteries dated 1589 and one of the best works of the artist. In Loretello, in the church of Saint Andrew there is a crucified Christ between Saints Andrew and John the Evangelist. Other works in the church of San Martino where there is a Madonna with Child and four saints, the first altarpiece that Ramazzani painted in 1571; in San Ginesio a Madonna with Child and Saints Ginesio and Antonio Abate, while in Montefortino Christ crucified between Addolorata and Sant’Apollinare. In the castle of “https:///”Avacelli, the church of S. Lorenzo houses a Crucifix and a spectacular terracotta altar painted representing the Madonna of the Rosary and Mercy, works also these attributed to the activity of plasticatore of the Ramazzani.
The first surviving work is dated 1562. It is a canvas depicting San Rocco currently exhibited in the Civic Art Collection “Claudio Ridolfi” Corinaldo. It comes from the homonymous church demolished in the course of the nineteenth century and depicted against the background of the painting behind the saint originally from Montpellier, to whom the populations had entrusted since the second half of the fifteenth century an important role as depulsor pestilentiae. Of 1564 is the San Martino in maestà executed for the no longer existing church of Castelleone di Suasa and dedicated to the Saint. It is now on display in the parish church of Saints Peter and Paul of that locality. In the diocesan Pinacoteca of Senigallia are exposed the Christ crucified between the Virgin and Saint George dated 1585 and made for the Cathedral of Senigallia; the Adoration of the Shepherds of 1568, mentioned for the first time in a guide of Senigallia in 1889, inside the sacristy of the Duomo. Also in this church there is in the right transept the Madonna della Speranza of 1578. In the church of San Francesco in Ostra is the crucified Christ between Saints Gaudenzio and Francesco dated 1572.
4-6 hours
Auto, Moto